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Friday, June 17, 2011

Featured cat

Hawkfrost is a cat that strangely showed up in Riverclan with his sister Mothwing. At first the clans only knew the mother who was a rouge named Sasha. Eventually the clans figured out that Their father was Tigerstar!
 When the clans were being destroyed Hawkfrost planed to take over all other territories when the other clans died. He did get along well with Brambleclaw his half brother.
 After the journey Tallstar died and changed his deputy from Mudclaw to Onewhisker. He was enraged with this and decided to help Mudclaw attack Onewhisker. They got some cats from Windclan, Shadowclan, and Riverclan who believed Mudclaw was rightfully the Windclan leader. They all went out one night with a raging storm overhead. Brambleclaw went to stop his brother. When lightning hit a tree and it fell on Mudclaw and killed him. When the clans started to gang up against Hawkfrost, he quickly lied that the falling tree was a sign from Starclan that Onewhisker really was rightful leader.
The two brothers met with Tigerstar for battle training every night. Once Hawkfrost went early to speak with Tigerstar about how much support he gave to Firestar. Eventually Hawkfrost caught Firestar's neck in a fox trap . Brambleclaw saved Firestar, but Hawkfrost  attacked him. Brambleclaw was pinned down with his half brother's claws digging into his fur and jaws lunging for his throat. Brambleclaw knew what he  had to do he grabbed the fox trap and it sunk into hawfrost's throat. Hawkfrost staggered and turned to face his brother to say his last words.
"Fool!' Hawkfrost chocked and continued "Do you think I did this alone? Do you think your safe within your own Clan?' Hawkfrost continued to cough spitting out blood "Think again!'
Hawkfrost staggered to the edge of the lake and started to walk to his own clan when he fell dead and his blood clouded the lake and the prophecy came true Before there is peace, Blood will spill blood and the lake will run red.

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