Which series is the best?


Meet the clans

"Welcome to the Clans that live on the edge of  on a small island. I am Splashstar leader of Beachclan we are the clans of elegance and smarts." said the silver she-cat with a white spot on her chest. "My Deputy is Willoweyes and our camp is in a dip by the bay surrounded by trees."
"And I am Frozenstar the leader of  Caveclan" said a white tom with silver stripes. "We are the the clan of bravery and skill! my deputy is Drip-pool and we live in a cave with a large opening in the top." Frozenstar said full of pride.
"I am  Treestar leader of  Cloudclan we are the skilled jumpers and trustworthy clan. my deputy is Sunray. we live in a hollow in the middle of the island." rasped an old mottled brown tom with deep, dull, green eyes.
"And I am Miststar leader of  Fogclan we are the best hiders and hunters. We live on a part of the island that branches away from the others and has been covered in mist since the first day the clans got here.My deputy is Shadecloud." said a young Black she-cat with silvery-blue eyes.
"Right now we are on a seperate island where clans Gather but don't worry it's only you and us leaders." Splashstar said with confience. the other leaders nodded.
"Our deputes are on the bank on the main island though." added  Treestar
"And all our cats are taught to swim so no need to worry we'll save you manglepelts when you drown." Frozenstar taunted.
"Don't listen to that mousebrain all the clans know how to swim not just  Caveclan!" Miststar raised her vioce for Frozenstar to hear.
"You-" Frozenstar was interupted by Treestar's tail flicking his mouth.
"The water isn't deep, even elder's cross it for gatherings.' Treestar said reassuringly
"And Beachclan uses it to train kits to swim." said Splashstar. "Now lets head back to the Main island and I'll tell you about how our clans started."

Long ago there were four Queens and two cats with them to help with the kits. Each Queen was to have one kit each.
They started to look for a place for the kits to be born. In the end they found a boat, so they got on. Soon after the kits were born the cats who helped with the kits a ginger she-cat named Amber and a gray tom named Storm looked after the four kits. The queens went hunting.
While the Queens were out the boat sailed Amber, Storm and the four kits away onto an island. The Twolegs came off the boat to see the island and decided it to be to small and left.
Amber and Storm faked being the kits parents and decided to start a Clan. The first kit was a golden tom and he was Beachstar, the second kit was a dark brown she-cat and he was Cavestar, the third kit was Cloudkit a white tom and the last kit was a silver she-cat with black spots she was Fogstar.
When the kits were full grown they found out they were not littermates and fought. The niose brought out 12 loners and they split up the fight. The four leaders decided there would be four clans and asked the Loners to join the clans Beachclan leader Beachstar, Caveclan Leader Cavestar, Cloudclan leader Cloudstar and Fogclan leader Fogstar.
The loners accepted each clan got three loners. Beachclan got Leafbreeze, Goldenpelt and Scarspots. Caveclan got Darkshadow, Loststreak and Dapplewind. Cloudclan got Snowfur, Whiteowl and Clearsky. Fogclan got Echosong, Fadingfoot, Birdwing.