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Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Featured cat

Ravenpaw is a black tom. When he was an aprentice he was pretty much scared of every thing.so Bluestar made tigerclaw his mentor because tigerclaw was scared of nothing. But insted ravenpaw ended up seeing Tigerclaw kill the deputy kill Redtail the former deputy. Tigerclaw told lies making him sound like a hero! But Ravenpaw knew the real story. Tigerclaw  wanted to be deputy then leader and then control the entire forest! Once Tigerclaw found out that Ravenpaw knew the truth he tried to kill him. But Ravenpaw's friends Graypaw and Firepaw helped him run away from Tigerclaw. They took him to Barley's barn and told the clan he died. when Firepaw and Graypaw became warriors they asked Ravenpaw for the whole story about tigerclaw. They then used the infromation and got Tigerclaw banished from the clan. Later when Tigerclaw became leader and let Bloodclan into the forest Ravenpaw and Barley helped fight bloodclan. When the twolegs took over the forest Ravenpaw let the clans stay in the barn before they left to their new home.

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