Not long after one of the apprentices told Fireheart about were they went, and Fireheart gathered some warriors to rescue them. But when they got there it was too late the dog pack killed Swiftpaw and Brightpaw lost an eye.
taking them back to camp Brightpaw received her warrior name Lostface. Cloudtail wasn't happy with her name so when Fireheart became Firestar he asked for him to change Lostface's name. Firestar decided that from there on Lostface would be known as Brightheart!
When the forest was being torn apart Brightheart was one of the cats captuered by twoleg. Soon Brightheart and Cloudtail had a kit and named it Whitekit later on Whitewing.
When Daisy came to the Clans she brought her three kits Berry, Mouse, and Hazel. Cloudtail trained this cat so she could adapt to be a warrior, but Brightheart was very unhappy about this. She felt like Cloudtail was spending to much time with Daisy and that he had left her. Finally Daisy decided she couldn't do it so she ddecidded to take the job of caring for all kits in the nursery. Brightheart and Cloudtail were together again .
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