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Wednesday, June 22, 2011


for information, games, quizzes and videos go to warriorcats.com where the cats rule the forest. 

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Featured cat

  Tigerstar was born in Thunderclan, and wasthe only kit to survive in his litter. When he became an apprentice he was trained by the heartless Thistleclaw. If Tigerpaw (Tigerstar) made one mistake Thistle would beat him. Even though it made him one of the stongest Warriors it caused  tigerpaw's unkind nature.
  Later on Tigerpaw became Tigerclaw and took on Ravenpaw as his apprentice. Ravenpaw had seen Tigercalw kill Redtail the Thunderclan deputy. In Tigerclaw's own atempt to become deputy. But instead Lionheart became deputy but was killed in battle against Shadowclan.
  Tigerclaw then became deputy but yet that was not enogh for him. Goldenflower then fell in love with Tigerclaw and had two kits who grew up to be Tawnypelt and Brambleclaw. Later Tigerclaw grouped together a band of rouges including Brokenstar Shadowclan's former leader, to attack Thunderclan! The rouges attacked the warriors while Tigerclaw tried to kill Bluestar when she had only one life left. luckly Fireheart rescued Bluestar. Tigerstar was banished as soon as the rouges had retreated.
  Tigerclaw then promised to kill every cat of Thunderclan. But before he left he asked Longtail and Darkstripe to leave with him. Both anwsered no, and with that he left.
  When Tigerclaw found a rouge named Sasha and they had two more kits who grew up in Riverclan to be Hawkfrost and Mothwing. Later Shadowclan welcomed Tigerclaw in and made him their leader! Tigerclaw then became Tigerstar.
  Tigerstar had been visiting with Darkstripe for help to destroy Thunderclan. Tigerstar then unleashed a pck of dogs into Thundrclan territory killing many cats including Bluestar. Fireheart becae leader and then was known as Firestar. Tigerstar still wasn't happy as just leader he wanted more. Soon Tawnypaw (Tawnypelt)
couldn't take how her Thunderclan treated her because of who her father was, so she ran away to join her father in Shadowclan.
  Darkstripe fed Sorrelkit (Sorreltail) deathberries when she saw him talking to Blackfoot the Shadowclan deputy. luckly Sorrelkit pulled through and told Firestar. With that Darkstripe was bannished and left for Shadowclan.
  Soon a cat named Bolder joined Shadowclan and told Tigerstar about BLOODCLAN! After getting that news Tigerstar took Bloodclan into the forest. Then tigerstar offered all the other clans to join him in a new clan that would be known as Tigerclan. Only Riverclan accepted though. Then Tigerstar showed Windclan and Thunderclan Bloodclan, and said that if they didn't join him he would send out Bloodclan upon them.
  Firestar then steped forward and told all the leaders and Scourge the leader of Bloodclan what Tigerstar had done. Riverclan then betrayed Tigerclan. And Scourge then killed Tigerstar and thretend to take the forest.
  Then all the clan's joined together to form Lionclan with Firestar as leader, and attacked Bloodclan. Many cats died there but Firestar killed Scourge and the rest of Bloodclan fleed. Lionclan split back into the original four clans and there was moons of peace after.

Featured cat

scourge is a nasty cat but he is very small. scourge has a high pitched voice, and  he is most feared in blood clan!
When he was a kit he was known as Tiny and he had a brother named Socks and a sister named Ruby. His brother and sister hated him and none of the twolegs would take him. Ruby told him unwanted kits were thrown in the river. He was scared so he ran into the forest where he met Thistleclaw, Tigerpaw and Bluefur. Tigerpaw attacked him. Bluefur stopped him from killing Tiny and Tiny ran away.
 He went to twoleg place and found an old dog. He saw one of the dog's teeth on the ground and used it to try and get his collar off but it just pieced through the collar. He lied that he killed the dog and took the tooth as a trophy. He cotinued to wear the collar even though it was hard to swallow he asumed it made him lok more fearful.
 Soon cats were looking for his help. He became leader of  BLOODCLAN He then started to line his collar  with teeth and claws of other cats and dogs he killed. Every day he waited for the cat he met in the forest to come. One day the cat came. It was Tigerstar, and he brought Scourge into the forest only to become leader of all clans. but when Firestar told all the cats what Tigerstar did to Thunderclan. To get revenge he turned and killed Tigerstar in one swipe even though Tigerstar had all nine of his lives.
 As soon as that was over Scourge threatened to take the forest and if they stayed he would kill them all! but Firestar joined the clans together to form Lionclan. In the end Firestar killed Scourge and BLOODCLAN ran away now that they're leader was dead. There was many moons of peace were brought to the clans.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Featured cat

Brightheart lost her eye in a dog attack. Back when she was an apprentice Tigerclaw tried to kill Bluestar, after that Tigerclaw was banished from Thunderclan Bluestar stopped trusting her her clan mates and refused to make any apprentice but Cloudpaw a warrior. Swiftpaw was furious, he trained much longer than all the others. So Swiftpaw decided to find out what was stealing prey at snake rocks. Swiftpaw offered for the others to come but only Brightpaw accepted.
Not long after one of the apprentices told Fireheart about were they went, and Fireheart gathered some warriors to rescue them. But when they got there it was too late the dog pack killed Swiftpaw and Brightpaw lost an eye.
taking them back to camp Brightpaw received her warrior name Lostface. Cloudtail wasn't happy with her name so when Fireheart became Firestar he asked for him to change Lostface's name. Firestar decided that from there on Lostface would be known as Brightheart!
When the forest was being torn apart Brightheart was one of the cats captuered by twoleg. Soon  Brightheart and Cloudtail had a kit and named it Whitekit later on Whitewing.
When Daisy came to the Clans she brought her three kits Berry, Mouse, and Hazel. Cloudtail trained this cat so she could adapt to be a warrior, but Brightheart was very unhappy about this. She felt like  Cloudtail was spending to much time with Daisy and that he had left her. Finally Daisy decided she couldn't do it so she ddecidded to take the job of caring for all kits in the nursery. Brightheart and Cloudtail were together again .

Friday, June 17, 2011

Featured cat

Hawkfrost is a cat that strangely showed up in Riverclan with his sister Mothwing. At first the clans only knew the mother who was a rouge named Sasha. Eventually the clans figured out that Their father was Tigerstar!
 When the clans were being destroyed Hawkfrost planed to take over all other territories when the other clans died. He did get along well with Brambleclaw his half brother.
 After the journey Tallstar died and changed his deputy from Mudclaw to Onewhisker. He was enraged with this and decided to help Mudclaw attack Onewhisker. They got some cats from Windclan, Shadowclan, and Riverclan who believed Mudclaw was rightfully the Windclan leader. They all went out one night with a raging storm overhead. Brambleclaw went to stop his brother. When lightning hit a tree and it fell on Mudclaw and killed him. When the clans started to gang up against Hawkfrost, he quickly lied that the falling tree was a sign from Starclan that Onewhisker really was rightful leader.
The two brothers met with Tigerstar for battle training every night. Once Hawkfrost went early to speak with Tigerstar about how much support he gave to Firestar. Eventually Hawkfrost caught Firestar's neck in a fox trap . Brambleclaw saved Firestar, but Hawkfrost  attacked him. Brambleclaw was pinned down with his half brother's claws digging into his fur and jaws lunging for his throat. Brambleclaw knew what he  had to do he grabbed the fox trap and it sunk into hawfrost's throat. Hawkfrost staggered and turned to face his brother to say his last words.
"Fool!' Hawkfrost chocked and continued "Do you think I did this alone? Do you think your safe within your own Clan?' Hawkfrost continued to cough spitting out blood "Think again!'
Hawkfrost staggered to the edge of the lake and started to walk to his own clan when he fell dead and his blood clouded the lake and the prophecy came true Before there is peace, Blood will spill blood and the lake will run red.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Featured cat

Feathertail is a kind hearted cat. who cares for all cats. Altough she is half thunderclan and half riverclan she is still a true riverclan at heart. She was the cat chosen by Starclan to go on a journey. Her father is Graystripe the Thunderclan's last deputy and her mother was Silverstream was Riverclan's last leader's daughter. She also was chosen by The Tribe of Endless Hunting to save the Tribe from the mountain lion Sharptooth. At first they thought her brother Stormfur was to save them but then Feathertail  jumped onto a stalactite and it fell with her on  it. It then pierced Sharptooth and killed him but from this fall it killed her too. During the journey she fell  in love with Crowpaw (Crowfeather) an apprentice from windclan.