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Sunday, September 18, 2011

Tribute: Honeyfern

Honeyfern had a short life. It was cut short when she died the death of a true, couragous, warrior. Ready for battle before any other. She died not in battle of clan against clan but for the kits in her clan.
With one love: Berrynose. Finnally they were both in love, whenit happened. Honeyfern spotted a snake about to attack Briarkit. She was faster to the kit than any other. diving in front of Briarkit and she was bitten.
Leafpool came to help. The whole clan now around her waiting and watching, Berrynose with her and protecting her. Leafpool came out and checked on her. It was too late, she looked helplessly around for help, but to no avail.
The venom had surged through her body and she died. Before she died she maneged her last words to Berrynose, promising that she would wait for him in StarClan. Poor sweet Honeyfern...........now in the ranks of StarClan waiting, and guiding her clan.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, person! I made a warriors fan site (blog) too! I got some questions since i starting blogging (or whatever you wan to call it) about one week ago. Would you like to help me on like making the wallpapers (not tiled), how i should do stuff, act. My blog (site?) is www.warriorcatstalk.blogspot.com. Thanks =D (Should I do character bios?)
