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Sunday, July 10, 2011

Featured cat

File:Barley.jpgWhen Bluestar, Firepaw (Later Firestar), Graypaw (Later Graystripe), Tigercalw (Later Tigerstar), and Ravenpaw were heading to the moonstone Barley warned the traveling cats of large dogs out loose and directed them another way. when they were attacked by rats while going that way he helped fight them off. Bluestar lost a life and Tiger claw blamed Barley for leadinf them that way and trying to kill him when Bluestar awoke she foregave Barley knowing he didn't do it intentionaly.
Barley was born in Bloodclan along with three litter mates Violet, Jumper , and Hoot. When he was only twelve moons old their mother was forced to throw them out of her den by Scourge's law. Hoot and Jumper always wanted to be part of scourges gaurds, while Violet and Barley just wanted to live and get by. Violet was a delicate pale orange cat with darker orge stripes.Violet and Barley decided to live together even though it was against Scourge's law.
Barley once met a tom named Fuzz, Fuzz saw Barley was injured and told him his Twolegs were vets and could fix him. Fuzz asked for Barley's name barley told him "-er Barley." and Fuzz's reply was "Ok Erbarley!"
"No just Barley"
"Ok Justbarley!"Fuzz replied
barley let violet out of their den during night when no one was out and Barley was caught by Bone a couple of times with extra mice and was forced to give them up. One time while hunting he saw Hoot and Jumper whose eyes were now cold and harsh, around their necks were collars studded with teeth. they had even change their names Hoot was now Snake and Jumper was Ice.
One day Bone discovered Violet and Barley were living together and told Scourge, Scourge decided Violet was to be killed. Barley told Scourge not to harm her for it was his fault. At that Scourge decided his punishment should be to watch his sister die!
Scourge decided thatviolet's own Brother's Ice anSnake would kill her while bone held Barley down and made him watch. When Snake and Ice were done Scourge, Snake, Ice, and Bone left. barley got up to see his sister bleeding and called her name.
"Barley?" her weak vioce replied
He noticed she was alive! Quickly he picke up Violet and took her to Fuzz. Fuzz Thought she was very pretty and offered for her to share his food. Barley told him she needed help from the vets and fuzz took her in. Barley than ran   away to the forest.
Barley stayed in a barn and even welcomed Ravenpaw to live in the barn when Tigerclaw tried to kill ravepaw. He also let Leaders stay there on their journies to the Moonstone and back. he also alowed the clans to stay with him before the great Journey.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Featured cat

Leafpool was Firestar's and Sandstorm's daughter, and Squirrelflight's sisiterleafpool. Even when she was a kit Leafpool wanted to be a medicine cat and when Leafkit became leafpaw, and Cinderpelt's apprentice. When her sister and Brambleclaw left to the sundrown place Leafpaw was the only cat who had known and kept it secret from the whole clan.

just before her sister and Brambleclaw came back twolegs took Leafpaw and caged her. when she woke in the cage she found Brightheart, Cloudtail, Mistyfoot, a Windclan cat, and a rouge named Coal. While she was there she met a kittypet named  Cody. When all the cats were saved and freed Cody stayed in Thunderclan for a while.
 On the journey to the new home Leafpaw received a sign saying where their new home was. when they got to the new home she found the moonpool and received the prophecy Before there is peace blood will spill blood and the lake will run red. She also had dreams were she saw jaws snapping, large paws with long sharp claws swinging at her and heard cats wailing in the distance. She was given the name Leafpool during a meeting at the moonpool.
 Leafpool had fallen in love with a cat named Crowfeather after she was given her name. they started to meet each other when they decided to run away so that they could be together. They couldn't stay together because cats from different clans were forbidden to fall in love and to make it worse medicine cats were to never fall in love with any cat. After running away Midnight a badger that her sister met came to tell them that all the badgers were coming to destroy the clans. After hearing this they all left to help the clans. When they got there Thunderclan was being attacked by the badgers. Windclan came to save Thunderclan but too late to save Cinderpelt. At Cinderpelt's death it would mean Leafpool had no choice but to be the medicine cat since she was the only cat in the clan who was trained to be a medicine cat now. So with this she could not be with Crowfeather any longer.
 When her sister Squirrelflight  had kits Hollkit asked to be her apprentice. Although she wanted Jaykit because of  how well he could name herbs and as she discover later he had greater powers such as walking in dreams that weren't his own! When they became apprentices Hollykit became Hollypaw and was Leafpool's apprentice, Lionkit became Lionpaw and was Ashfur's apprentice, and Jaykit became Jaypaw adn brightheart was his mentor. But soon Leafpool noticed how hard it was for Hollypaw to remember the herbs. But since medicine cats still need to know how to fight Leafpool trained her. She noticed how quickley she picked up the moves and let her do ones a little harder.
Soon Hollypaw quit to be a warrior and Jaypaw decided he was destined to be a medicine cat. Leafpool found it hard to work with this blind cat. Not because he was blind but  because of his short attention span, impatience and all his arguing. She even had to stop him from revealing to Cinderpaw that she was the reincarnation of Cinderpelt! But she was also the one who convinced the Tribe cats that he would be a  bigger help than just healing ont he journey to the mountains to stop Stipes and the invading cats. 
Soon they recieved their warrior and full medicine cat names Hollypaw was Hollyleaf, Lionpaw was Lionblaze and Hollyleaf was Jayfeather. As Squirrleflight revealed Leafpool was the true mother of  Jayfeather, Hollyleaf and Lionblaze. When Hollyleaf annouced this at a Gathering Leafpool stepped down from the rank of medicine cat. Leafpool also knew that Hollyleaf was the one who killed Ashfur.